Archive for the ‘New Zealand’ Category

Home Snow Home

We finished our travels by leisuring seeing Akaroa on the South Island during our last week and visited (and my parents met for the first time) Kerry, Darrell, and their daughter Paige for fish and chips on the beach our last night. It was a nice way to start and end my trip to New […]

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WoW, I’m not even back yet and rumors are already starting. Just to remind Joe and Jozlyn back home, and anyone else, I am not engaged and am not getting married. And I have not proposed. Just wanted to clear that up before anything got out of hand. Later.

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Moving On…..

My dream-machine aka Toyota Corolla is no more. I sold it a few days ago in Christchurch to a car rental agency. I do this in preparation to make the long trip back to the States. As you all may or may not, I am heading back sooner than I originally planned for. The plan […]

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Happy New Years for 2006!

Wow, has time been flying by! It’s already 2006 and I’m not even sure when I last wrote on here. Ever since my girlfriend Rachel arrived on the 21st of December time has slipped right on by. It feels like she just arrived, but sadly she has just departed two days ago on the 4th […]

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We have since moved on from Taipa after spending a very good time with my parent’s friends up there. And we would like to thank them again for showing us around, putting us up in a flat, taking us fishing, and everything else in between! So thank you Mark and Ann and your friends! And […]

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The Parents Are Coming!

Actually the parents are here! And have been for quite some time. Almost a week in fact, I guess I’ve been slacking on updates because of it! – Here we are at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds with a Maori carving substituted for my bro who couldn’t make it out here. – Anyway, Me Ma and […]

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Southern Walkabout

Hi Everybody! Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and ate lots of turkey with all the fixings. I know I wish I could have been there to partake in the feast, and to watch some football, but that’s all right. I actually bought meat for the first time, sausages to be exact, and ate […]

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November 24, 2005  So yesterday I’m having a great day right? Doing a whirlwind tour of the rest of the sourther south island, seeing the Catherdral Caves, the most southern point, a lighthouse, and all this stuff……and I pull into Dunedin where I planned to stay the night. Not more than 2 minutes into the […]

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Stepping Back In Time..

November 22, 2005  So today I was headed up to Milford Sound, and stopped off at the petrol station to fill up the tank. Before I even got out of the car a lady came out and started pumping the gas for me. It was like I stepped back in time or something. I have […]

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Queenstown and Beyond

November 21, 2005  Just when I think I’m actually getting used to the roads and rules in New Zealand they go and throw something new at me. It definitely took some time to get used to everything being backwards like driving on the left side of the road and having the steering column on the […]

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