Archive for August, 2005


August 28, 2005 The one month countdown begins, and I’ve already gathered everything I need for the trip……’s possible I’m a bit anxious……. I finished getting everything today on the list actually. My final items included a sleeping pad, sleeping bag, cooking/drinkig cup, and few other things….the rest of the stuff I was missing, rain […]

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Longs Peak

The parents, girlfriend, and I decided to give Long Peaks a run for its money today. We successfully summited the 14er by 11:00 in the morning after leaving a little later than anticipated from the trail head around 4:30am. The hike was great and weather fair apart from the wind being exceptionally strong from the […]

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Job – YMCA of the Rockies

August 25, 2005 I informed my boss today, Gordon, that I will be leaving the YMCA of the Rockies to pursue new opportunities that have been presented to me after receiving a work visa to live and work in New Zealand for up to one year. Resigning from my job was quite hard to do […]

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I will continuously be updating this page throughout my travels to keep everyone posted on all the happenings and everything spectacular going on in New Zealand. The most recent events will be listed first and the rest will follow on down the page. So be sure to check back!

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Began construction of the website.

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