I lost my big toenial today, finally! And yes, it is a normal thing…
Wow! Today was awesome. I went out to the Mount Aspiring National Park and don’t know if I had more fun on the trail or just getting there. It’s about 50K outside of town to get there. The first 30K is on paved roads with two-lane bridges, the next 15K is on gravel roads with one-lane bridges, and the final 15K is on a one-lane gravel road with no bridges. So I got to drive the Toyota through 8-10 fords of various sizes! It was soo fun! Glad I didn’t get stuck either. Heck, if I would have known the Corolla could drive through small streams I would’ve paid the man I bought it from full asking price. It’ll definitely be a selling feature I’ll point out when I get rid of it later on.
The hike was great as well. There was a swing bridge suspended 50 feet up over a river, and boy did it swing! The trail followed a well sized glacial stream from which you could see snowfields, sheer rock cliffs, waterfalls, nice alpine scenery, and Rob Roy Glacier at the end. Very nice and easy trail that was popular today and I even met a woman from Telluride, CO. A few of us sat up there underneath the glacier having lunch, chasing off the pesky Kea birds, and watched probably 2 dozen small waterfalls spout off the glacier’s side, and at times here it creek, crack, and drop chunks of ice off the cliff it hugged to the rocks below. But I have to admit part of me just wanted to drive through the fords again! Here’s one of the pictures I took along the way.
The pics didn’t all turn out so hot because the snow was so bright I think. Anyway, this is me in front of Rob Roy’s Glacier.